nicolas san miguel
engineer & maker
I am a graduate student at Stanford University in the Aero/Astro department and a research assistant in the GPS Lab.
My research interests include navigation technology, autonomous systems, and underwater robotics.
view my
Graduate Research Assistant
Stanford GPS Lab
January 2022 - Present
Stanford Graduate Course Project
GNSS-R Simulation
Winter 2023
Stanford Graduate Course Project
GPS + IMU Sensor Integration
Winter 2022
Stanford Graduate Course Project
Modeling Battleship as a POMDP
Autumn 2021
Undergraduate Experience
Makerspace Peer Instructor
Fall 2019 - Spring 2021
Undergraduate Research Project
Kuramoto Model Analysis
Spring 2021
Undergraduate Research Project
Decision and Control Lab
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021
Fahrenheit 406
Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce
for fun
Currently, I am a Lockheed Robert E. Gross Fellow, in the
Stanford GPS Lab
, and a student AIAA Program Chair.
At Georgia Tech I was a Peer Instructor in the Interdisciplinary Commons and part of the Georgia Tech Sailing Club.
In my free time I eat wings, scuba dive, and explore national parks.